Thanksgiving Dinner for your Pets

‘It’s-so-good-you-have-to-lick-your-plate’ kind of dinner.

‘It’s-so-good-you-have-to-lick-your-plate’ kind of dinner.

Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful and thankful for all the good (&bad) we’ve experience this year. It has sort of become the ‘unofficial’ ‘official’ holiday season kick-starter. It gives us permission to set up the Christmas tree and many other decorations — not just at home but everywhere! I am sure you’re listening to Christmas radio non-stop.

As grateful as you are, I am sure you want to “treat” your dog to a good Thanksgiving dinner. Though, there are a couple of DON’Ts you should be aware of, here are few items that can be plated to serve your loving dog:

  • Turkey’s white meat. Avoid the skin (too much seasoning can upset his/her stomach) & bones.

  • Cranberry Sauce. If too sweet, dilute the sauce with a bit of water.

  • Pumpkin. Not pumpkin-pie. Just the plain & pure kind.

  • Veggies. Anything steamed and plain. No casseroles please.

  • Yams + sweet potatoes. Again, the plain & pure kind.

  • Mash Potatoes. This is before you add in the butter and any other ingredient.

  • Gravy. Mix chicken broth + and pure pumpkin.

A few cautious steps can avoid an emergency room visit, so please take the time to consider your furry children. Expect a couple of wet kisses afterwards. Your furry child will thank you and appreciate the ‘extra’ love at dinner time.



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