Thera-clean Micro bubble Bathing System

images courtesy of Thera-Clean

images courtesy of Thera-Clean

The love for our pets really has us, owners, going above and beyond finding every type of solution we can get our hands on. Right? From finding the right nutrition to a non-toxic chew toy, our commitment in providing the best for our pets is unmatched. So let us introduce to you this holistic natural approach in bathing your pet. Because, why not? Anything to help alleviate a pain or itch. Pawtanicals is proud to provide you with Thera-Clean Micro-bubble bath system.

...because CLEAN skin is HEALTHY skin.
— Thera-Clean

What is thera-clean micro-bubble bath?

 It deep cleans the skin using nothing but micro bubbles. No soaps, shampoos or any chemicals of any kind are used in this process. It is completely hypoallergenic.

A Thera-Clean bath reduces odor, reduces itching, ensures no additional skin irritation and improves results of other skin therapies that your groomer or veterinarian may be recommending.

How do micro-bubbles compare to medicated shampoos?

Micro-bubbles work on a much deeper level than any soaps or shampoos. They offer a whole new concept of clean skin. This means the micro bubble therapy will enhance the efficiency of any other form of “treatment”. Any medication whether administered in the form of a shampoo or orally will function much better due to improved pore and hair follicle condition. This is why the system is being used so extensively in veterinarian hospitals in Japan.

Microscopic view of hair follicle before and after a Thera-Clean Micro-bubble bath. The left hand side is clogged with oil and debris. On the right hand side the Thera-Clean Micro-bubbles have opened up the hair follicle to allow the pore to breathe…

Microscopic view of hair follicle before and after a Thera-Clean Micro-bubble bath. The left hand side is clogged with oil and debris. On the right hand side the Thera-Clean Micro-bubbles have opened up the hair follicle to allow the pore to breathe and clear a path for topical medications.

Video Production: Crawlspace Media Group (

Let’s talk about ENZYMES.

Enzymes are catabolizers, which means they consume organic material. The enzymes first soften sebum crust, and then eat away at it, allowing the Microbubbles to lift the remainder of crust off more quickly. The micro-bubbles enter the pore and continue to remove the trapped debris.

Enzymes also aid in breaking down proteins and fats, as well as acting as a catalyst to make all the other ingredients work together more effectively.

You can add on 1-2 scoops of enzymes to the baths.

Always remember that this bath is NOT just for dogs with skin issues, it is for EVERY dog. 

  • A typical Thera-Clean bath is approx. 15-25 minutes (depending on pet’s skin). The bath is part of a 1 - 1.5 hour long appointment. 

  • This is not a 5 minute wave the wand all over the dog once and think you’re done kind of bath.  If you want the results then DO NOT cut this short.

Why we recommend 3-package bundle: The first** bath prepares the skin. What you have just done is the micro bubbles and enzymes have just taken that initial layer of sebum, old shampoo and dead skin that has been stuck on the superficial skin layer OFF and now the pore and hair follicle along with the inflamed skin is now exposed. Bath#2 and especially #3 will settle the skin down and you will then see and notice the repair stage is in full swing. 

YOU CAN PURCHASE BUNDLES, Please ask us how!

Even after the 1st bath it is time to replenish those follicles and re-hydrate or use your medicated shampoo, a hydrating shampoo/conditioner or the prescription medication give to you by your vet.

**Please be aware that there could be many ‘first’ baths. We are removing years of built-up that will not be done in 1 sitting.**

Good, clean, healthy skin doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment


Once appointment is secured, we are notified on the date/time. We reserve two tubs and fill one tub with lukewarm clean water. The pet is placed in the tub & we start the micro-bubbles. The bath lasts 15-20 minutes. Then the pet is transferred to another tub to be rinsed and apply moisturizer/conditioner. No shampoo is applied as the micro-bubbles are acting as shampoo and removing the muck in the pores. You can request premium shampoo as an add-on when booking appointment. After, the pet is dried and sprayed with a hydrating spray.



once you buy a package, please call or email us. Moego scheduling is not connected and will ask you to pay in the system!

As we always tell our clients, this is a life-long investment for your dog. Clean skin means healthy skin, thus, keeping vet bills down and worries at bay. The packages are divided between 3 baths or 6 baths. These baths can be used daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. They serve to keep you and your dog in a regular bathing regimen.

Buy 3 Bath Package Here

Size and Weight

Buy 6 Bath Package Here

Size and Weight